This all started back in 2015. On a rainy day while tree planting on a clear cut along the Zeballos River, the sun came out and we spotted some shiny rocks.

After we made sure this wasn’t someone else’s mineral claim, we spent time exploring and learning how to collect these crystals.
We shared our findings with others and it became obvious that these crystals were very appreciated, both metaphysically and mineralogically, so we obtained the provincial mineral title (claim) covering that area.
Staking the claim
One of the many wonderful members of the rock and gem community suggested we name ourselves Forest Crystals and we loved it.
Rock and gem shows
The claim is on Crown land (public land) that is unceded by Ehattesaht First Nation. We approached them in 2018 to talk about our hopes and we were optimistic about moving forward in a respectful relationship.
Land title
In 2019, Ehattesaht shared their views on the Crown’s granting of mineral rights within their unceded land. We agreed to stop removing crystals and we got their ok to keep distributing the ones we had already obtained.
Request to stop
Later that year, Ehattesaht notified us that they did not consent to the continuation of our project. We have respected that and have not removed any crystals since 2018.
Fast forward to 2022, a BC Supreme Court case is happening in which Ehattesaht is arguing that the current system of mineral claim granting is unconstitutional because there is no consultation by the province/Crown.
Ehattesaht is asking that certain claims, including ours, be quashed or set aside. We take no position in this petition and believe that these fundamental questions need to be resolved between Ehattesaht and the Crown.
Supreme Court
Looking ahead
We wish all the best to the involved parties in dealing with these important matters. Our mineral claim is still in good standing, but we have not removed any crystals since 2018.
Our vision has always been to proceed in a way that respects Ehattesaht, protects the site, and brings these amazing crystals to the world.